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What we’re about

Do you like to read, have fun, and enjoy craft beer, wine, etc.? Welcome! 

Here at book club, we read mostly fiction with some nonfiction thrown in now and again. Each month we'll explore some of the great local bars (always close to a BART stop) in San Francisco for a book discussion. Venue suggestions welcome!

But we're more than just a book club. We'll also occasionally do happy hours, movie nights, book swaps, etc. 

And if you find this group isn't a good fit for you, no hard feelings! But please leave the group in order to make room for others.

Housekeeping rules:

Members that are not active for over 9 months will be automatically removed from the group.

If you RSVP to an event and don't show up (without updating your RSVP) more than once, you will be removed from the group.